Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Fraud on the Grocery Shelf

My coffee order was delivered to my door at 5 am, and while getting up to whisk it off into the basement, I noticed a stray bottle of olive oil on a shelf.  Conquistador?  What was that?

It was olive oil bought my wife, and with some amusement I noted the HUGE letters proclaiming it to be EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, and the somewhat smaller letters saying that olive oil was "blended" with sunflower oil.

And what was the ratio here?  Why 80/20 with 80 percent the much cheaper (and less health beneficial) sunflower oil.  

How is this is not fraud?  

And the words "blended" are a fraud too.  They mean adulterated.  This stuff is not fit to light a lamp.  In fact, in Italy it's not even high enough quality to be called Lampante.

How do I know my wife bought this stuff?  For the simple reason that after reading Tom Mueller's excellent book Extra Virginity, I no longer take a cavalier approach to olive oil and I read the labels carefully to sort out the con on the front end.

Bottom Line:  Don't buy this crap.  Even if you think it doesn't make a difference, at least boycott it for fraud in labeling.  Oh, and buy Tom's book; it really is a good read.

As for this oil, I'll save it to boost the dog's food.  They like any kind of grease they can get.

1 comment:

Chas S. Clifton said...

Did your wife approve this post?