Sunday, March 13, 2022

Dogs Naturally is Pushing Bunk and Woo

Dogs Naturally magazine is a publication targeted at folks who believe in aromatherapy, crystals, and astrology.  They tell us 

We believe that good health doesn’t come from drugs, processed foods, chemicals and vaccines.
Right.  Vaccines are not a key to good health?  Antibiotics are not a cure for quite a lot?


The nonsense is unending. 
For example, if you go to their "ask a Vet" section, you will find they are pushing Homeopathy which they explain "is a 200 year old form of medicine that is both safe and effective."

Complete bullshit. Wikipedia, at least, gets this one right, noting that:

Homeopathy lacks biological plausibility and the axioms of homeopathy have been refuted for some time. The postulated mechanisms of action of homeopathic remedies are both scientifically implausible and not physically possible.

In short, homeopathy is an open joke.

Don't believe that? Excellent! Put your money where your mouth is, as I am selling Freeze-Dried Homeopathy in Bulk and at considerable savings for readers of this blog. Step right up. Operators are standing by!

The folks at Dogs Naturally tell us they are all about "holistic medicine."

Right. Another New Age buzz word. As I noted some time back:
"Holistic" is a philosophy, and as much as I love dogs, I do not think they are much on philosophy.

I thank God for vaccines, antibiotics, and surgical staplers, and not just for my dogs, but also for myself, my kids, my spouse, and my parents.

The folks who are pushing "alternative medicine" these days are too often engaged in potentially life-threatening quackery.

For God's sake, if your child is sick with an eye infection do NOT call the aromatherapist to treat the problem!

If you are suffering from internal bleeding, do not go to an acupuncturist! Do not buy a "healing stone"!

If you have a baby, make sure your child gets all its vaccines, and is fed a normal diet rich in fats to help build the brain.

And YES, please follow this same advice with your dog!

As for homeopathy, the side-car of holistic medicine, if that crap worked, James Randi was prepared to give you $1,000,000 if it could be proven in a double-blind test. And yes, he had the money.

The answer to veterinary billing chicanery is not homeopathic quackery, anymore than the antidote to drowning in the ocean is to willfully die of thirst in the desert.

Use common sense, use the Google, learn to say NO, and learn to be an advocate for yourself and your dog.

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