Saturday, March 05, 2022

Coffee and Provocation

What About the Zoos?
A truck carrying six lions, six tigers, two caracals, and an African wild dog from a sanctuary east of Kyiv, has reached Poland by truck. But what about all the other zoo animals in Kyev, Karkiv, Cherkasy, Odessa, and other locations? Hundreds of animals with varied diets are likely to starve, escape, eat each other, or see abuse from war wounds and trauma. War is a horror for zoo and aquarium animals who cannot escape and cannot survive on their own.

The Biden Economy
America added 678,000 jobs in February, exceeding economist expectations. Unemployment fell to 3.8%, a new pandemic-era low.

Synthetic Milk Made With Yeast
A UK based company is producing "molecularly identical" cows milk, without the cow, by using a modified yeast.

Oil Is the Past, Electricity Is the Future
Panasonic is planning to build a multi-billion dollar battery factory in Oklahoma or Kansas to supply Tesla.

The Ukrainian Defense Machine That Will Defeat Russia
A Ukrainian factory, which before the war was making agricultural combines and silos has been transformed, overnight into making anti-tank devices. This factory joins a brewery now making Molotov Cocktails, a candy maker now making energy bars for the troops, women and children organizing to make camouflage nets and bandages, and men digging trenches and moving massive concrete barriers to impede tanks and other vehicles so they become easier targets for Javelins and NLAW anti-tank missiles. Thousands of Stinger Missiles have been shipped to Ukraine, and every day, more weapons and munitions flow in from Poland, Germany, England, the US, Sweden, Turkey, France, Canada, Australia, Romania, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Croatia. Ukrainian men are staying to fight, and many of the women are too, and now they are being joined by thousands of volunteers from the free world. Meanwhile, workers in other countries are refusing to off-load Russian oil, and almost every major bank and business in the world has cut off business with Russia, from Boeing and Airbus to BP, Shell, and Exxon, from Daimler to Ford, Toyota, Renault, and Volvo. Ports are being closed to Russian freight ships, oligarch yachts and properties are being seized, and sports events with Russian teams or locations are being cancelled.  Apple, Dell, and Google have pulled out, and so too has Ikea. The Russian Stock Market has closed for a week, and the Ruble is worthless. Almost all airspace in western Europe and North America has been closed to Russian flights, effectively grounding flights into and out of the country, and Turkey has closed the Black Sea to all Russian ship traffic except  those returning to port. In Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Poland, Berlin, Romania and the Czech Republic massive demonstrations in support of Ukraine -- and in opposition to Putin's unprovoked aggression -- are growing in size. The world can see the end of Putin.

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