Monday, March 14, 2022

Coffee and Provocation

Lead Shot Makes You Stupid
Lead exposure in the last century shrunk the IQ scores of half of all Americans. You can expect that hunters who pick lead shot out of their meat had their IQs lowered even further.

The Replacement Musher
Jeff King, a four time Iditarod Sled Dog Race champion, is running his 30th race as a last minute replacement for a musher who got COVID.

Replacing Russian Oil With Insulation
Insulation and heat pumps can deliver UK energy security more quickly than domestic gas and oil fields.

The Uncounted Covid Dead
COVID’s true death toll is likely much higher than official records. Modelling suggests that by the end of 2021, some 18 million people had died because of the pandemic.

Death by Snail
Freshwater snails are one of the world's deadliest animals because they transmit the organism that causes schistosomiasis (aka bilharzia), which infects over 200 million and causing about 200,000 deaths annually.

Death by Camel, Not By Wolf
Camels have killed more people in the US this year than wolves have killed in the US in the last 100 years.

The Battle to Find Truth
The Russian press lies, and the Russian police are actively arresting anyone who questions their lies.  The result is that Russians are flocking to VPNs as Putin closes off the Russian internet in a crackdown against dissent. VPNs are "virtual private networks" which mask the location of an internet user and scramble or encypt their emails, searches, and results.

Waiting for the Spider Apocalypse
Apparently the eastern US is going to get inundated with parachuting "Joro" spiders as big as a coffee mug. Bring it on.

England Could Have Had King Arthur
When ascending to the throne, royals may pick their regnal name from any of their Christian or middle names. Charles Philip Arthur George could also have been King Philip, King Arthur, or King George, if he wanted to.

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