Thursday, February 10, 2022

If You Think You're Sick and Tired Now... Just Wait

3,000 Americans died of Covid on the day we decided we had won the war on covid.

"Long covid" will be with us for decades
, sucking hundreds of billions of dollars and ruining lives, because Fox News and the GOP thinks lies make for good ratings.


Greg Mu said...

The partisan lens through which you see the world is entirely too narrow.

PBurns said...

You think Fox News and the GOP have not NOT been a cheer-leader for death?

You think they haven't demonized vaccines, demonized Fauci, demonized masks, and otherwise killed hundreds of thousands of Americans?

You think over 900m,000 deaths is a never-mind?

You think the GOP and Fox have NOT made public health a political battlefield at every turn?

GTFO of here with the nonsense.

Greg Mu said...

I think the politicization of the pandemic is much more nuanced than that.

I think our public health officials have failed in messaging from the beginning.

I think society continues to suffer from an inability to effectively navigate a new information age.

I think the world is a confusing place and I have more questions than I have answers.

I think you're captured by partisan groupthink.

PBurns said...

More hand-wringing nonsense.

Unless your point is that Republicans are famously stupid and willfully ignorant.

You see. there's DATA. You can see and review some of that here >>

And the data shows that Covid infections and deaths are NOT squarely distributed -- they fall disproportionately on Republicans and Fox News viewers.

Sure the Democrats have a lot of poor folks, black folks, recent immigrants.

You would think they would have a harder time (checks notes) "effectively navigating a new information age," but NO. It's Republicans and Fox News viewers.