Thursday, February 10, 2022

A Fool and Her Money

From The Daily Mail comes this story:

Devoted Dog Owner Spent $200,000 On Surgery To Fix Shocking Health Issues Her Pet Suffers Due To Dodgy Breeding Practices.

Maureen Elvy’s French Bulldog called Phoebe has needed spinal, airway and genital surgery and regular immunotherapy costing $2,000 a treatment since she got the dog in 2017.

The dog’s health is so precarious that it’s allergic to 700 types of tree, and can only survive with a diet of crocodile meat and a hypoallergenic biscuit.


To be clear, I don't believe this story at all.  

Crocodile meat?  Gimme a break. 

The owner of this dog is mental. Was she mental before the car crash or after? Does it matter?   

Is she running a scam?  Maybe. Does it matter?  

She claims she spent $10,000 fixing the dog in the first three months.  


And she bought this dog how, and after what kind of research?

The sum total of human knowledge is now in everyone's pocket, and if you are so stupid and emotionally stunted and crippled that you rush out to buy whatever, from whoever, and then cannot pull the trigger when it all goes pear shaped, YOU are the problem every bit as much as the dog. 

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