Sunday, December 12, 2021

Was Grassley Penciled In To Lead the Coup?

Robert Costa reports:

(thread) Based on our reporting, Eastman begins drafting his memo in late Dec. and Trump WH has it by the new year. WH then gives it to Sen. Lee and others on Jan. 2, as we document in "Peril." But by Jan. 3, after Pence meets w/ Sen. Parliam., it's clear he's not coming along.

On Jan. 4, Pence is in Georgia for a rally, but once he flies back, Trump calls him to the Oval. See "Peril" pgs. 224-227. "I'm getting guidance that says I can't," Pence tells Trump and Eastman, who is there. "Listen. Listen to John," Trump replies.

As Eastman and Trump pressure Pence and Pence's aides/lawyers, the rest of the Trump WH is in full-steam ahead mode that same day. See "Peril" chapter 41. "Graham was at the WH on January 4, where he received some memos supporting Trump's claims." We put those memos in the book.

Chief of staff Mark Meadows is working with Trump this whole time, and we show him meeting with Graham and Giuliani on how to push Trump's efforts along. See his Jan. 2 meeting with both of them on p. 212-214 of "Peril." But there were still lingering Qs re: his role/knowledge.

Now, months after "Peril" was published, we are learning more about both Meadows and that key day, January *4th.* Think of it as the set-up day for the eve of the insurrection, Jan. 5, when Bannon and Giuliani work from the Willard and Trump pressures Pence, 1 on 1, in Oval.

Read this: "The powerpoint was presented on 4 January to a number of Republican senators and members of Congress, the source said." Meadows was in possession of a PowerPoint that echoed Eastman memo. (The origin story of the PP is a key reporting target.)

We now know that in the critical Jan. 4-5 period, where the pressure on Pence is Level 10/10, you have not only the principals leaning on the VP, but numerous docs circulating to make the case. -Eastman memos -PowerPoints -And Jenna Ellis memos (see below)

But despite all of these docs and PowerPts, the most revealing thing of this period isn't a document. It's what he says to Pence on Jan. 5. At the end of the day, Trump isn't looking to these docs to make his case. He looks to the gathering mob in the streets. (Ch. 43, "Peril")

"If these people say you had the power, wouldn't you want to?" Trump asked. "I wouldn't want any one person to have that authority," Pence said. "But wouldn't it almost be cool to have that power?" Trump asked. "No," Pence said. /end

So where does Sen. Chuck Grassley fit it? 

On the morning of January 5th, Roll Call tweeted that Senator Chuck Grassley said he did not expect Vice President Pence to show up, and that he was going to preside over the certification and "his mind was not yet made up."

That sounds like Grassley was the "edge of the wedge" and knew that Pence was being pressured to  simply not show up. 

Grassley is not a lawyer and it will be interesting to see if he and staff got the Sedition Power Point authored by crackpot lawyer John Eastman and crackpot lawyer Jenna Ellis.  

It should be said that some 30 minutes later -- more than enough time for Vice President Pence's office to have seen the first two Roll Call tweet -- Roll Call noted that "Grassley's office" had called to "clarify" what they meant by "we don't expect Senator Pence to be there."

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