Monday, December 13, 2021

Sheep Are Stupid and Dogs Are Smart (Thank God)

When sheep are too stupid
to come in out of a snow storm, the dog makes the decision for them.


As I've noted in the past
, a phenomenal percentage of sheep are born dead, or die from bad weather or "mismothering" shortly after birth, or perish from accident, illness, or deep snow. 

In a world where less than 1% of sheep are killed by fox, and 15-25% of all lambs in some areas are dying from exposure to weather, perhaps the solution is not to shoot more fox to preserve sheep, but to construct more turn out pens, sheds and hedges where lambs can tuck in to get out of the weather? 

The terrier and hound hunting world does not make this point, because to do so would be to admit that fox are not really the fierce lamb killers that they are made out to be. 

The animal rights world does not make this point because to do so would be to admit that ending fox hunting is actually a pretty small cause compared to ending sheep mortality from bad weather. 

Vegans can organize protests and send cash-generating direct mail to oppose fox hunting but it's not nearly as lucrative or as fun to start a Kickstarter program to build 100,000 turn out sheds on private property. And so the pantomime goes on, in which hounds men claim that fox are killing loads of sheep, and animal rights lunatics claim hounds are killing loads of fox. Never mind that neither statement is actually true!

1 comment:

Richard Gilbert said...

Sheep are smart enough to be successful sheep. Unless they are bred to lamb in the dead of winter! If rams are turned in at Thanksgiving, ewes lamb in mid April. Perfectly mild in most places.