Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Is the "Emotional Support Animal" BS Over?

I've written about the "emotional support animal" scam before

Now comes word that California Assembly Bill No. 468, effective January 1, 2022, may end it by making it more difficult for putative healthcare providers to issue "emotional support dog" certification and also makes it clear that emotional support dogs are "not entitled to the rights and privileges accorded by law to a guide, signal, or service dog."

Under AB 468, healthcare providers are prohibited from issuing "emotional support dog" certifications unless the provider:
  • Has a valid, active license and includes certain enumerated information concerning that license in the certification;

  • Is licensed to provide services within the scope of the license in the jurisdiction in which the certification is provided;

  • Establishes a client-provider relationship with the individual at least 30 days before providing certification concerning the individual's need for an emotional support dog;

  • Completes a clinical evaluation of the individual regarding the need for an emotional support dog, and;

  • Provides verbal or written notice to the individual that knowingly and fraudulently representing themselves as the owner or trainer of a guide, signal or service dog is a misdemeanor

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