Thursday, December 02, 2021

Coffee and Provocation

Doxing the Mushrooms
A new project, from the Society for the Protection of Underground Networks (SPUN) aims to help protect some of trillions of miles of the ‘circulatory system of the planet’ by mapping the vast networks of underground fungi in an attempt to protect them from damage and improve their ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide.

The Coronavirus in a Tiny Drop
Quite an article, and amazing animated visuals about aerosol transmission of coronavirus. "[T]he researchers needed one of the world’s biggest supercomputers to assemble 1.3 billion atoms & track all their movements down to less than a millionth of a second.”

Preserved by Volcanic Ash 
A perfectly preserved Griffon Vulture vulture fossil from the Late Pleistocene was found in Italy.  Amazing detail from a virtual cast.

Are Small Liquid-Salt-Cooled Reactors the Future?
The Cure for Stupid
Marcus Lamb, a conservative TV preacher whose network offered a constant stream of Covid misinformation to its viewers, died earlier this week of Covid. He will not be missed. In other Covid news, a vegan who refused to be vaccinated due to animal testing has died of covid complications. Glynn Steel's last words to his wife were: 'I have never felt so ill, I wish I'd had the vaccine'.

Moby Dick Is Back
A white sperm whale was spotted from a Dutch merchant ship off the coast of Jamaica. Video.

The Continuing Crisis
Facing shortages, Canada taps its strategic reserve of maple syrup.

White Women Voted for Trump
So did white men. It seems racism (the only thing Trump and the GOP ever represented) crosses the gender barrier.

Genuine Question
Why do Catholic pedophile-adjacents get to decide ANYTHING about sex, contraception, abortion, or pretty much anything else?? Genuine question.  

Aesop’s Animals: The Science behind the Fables
This new book by Jo Wimpenny looks fun and interesting.

It Takes a Village
The Bidens turned the traditional gingerbread White House into a gingerbread village to honor frontline workers who helped during the pandemic. The gingerbread White House is paired with a gingerbread warehouse, school, grocery store, post office, fire, police and gas stations, as well as a hospital.

Growing Saffron in Vermont?
Yep, it's a thing being pioneered by Margaret Skinner and Arash Ghalehgolabbehbahani (can you say that last name three times fast?). It takes about 75,000 crocus flowers to yield a pound of saffron, but crocus bulbs multiply on their own and the yield (not counting labor costs) is phenomenal: a potential $100,000 per acre. In 2019, the United States was the sixth largest importer of saffron in the world.

Compared To What?

Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em
The Jamaican government has launched a campaign, using music and bus advertising, to bust negative myths about cannabis and promote medical weedThe campaign says “ganja can boost lives” by contributing to the economy through entrepreneurship, farming and scientific research. The campaign’s website debunks myths that reefer makes people lazy, lowers sperm count, is a gateway drug and alone can can cause a fatal overdose, quoting a US Drug Enforcement Agency factsheet stating no deaths have been caused by weed alone. 

The Future Is Mechanical
Labor shortages are accelerating automation in the fast food industry? Good! We don’t sickle wheat by hand, dig or sweep road beds with short shovels and brooms, or chop trees with an ax.  The future is mechanical, and has been for 300 years.

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