Sunday, December 05, 2021

Coffee and Provocation

Inbreeding Dogs to Sickeness and Death
The University of California at Davis has put out a new study that concludes that a majority of dog breeds are highly inbred, contributing to increased disease and health care costs. The average inbreeding across 227 breeds was close to 25%, or the equivalent of sharing the same genetic material with a full sibling.

Feeding Dogs Once a Day Is Best?
Feeding pet dogs just once a day might keep them healthier as they age according to an analysis of surveys completed by 24,000 owners of pet dogs.  More important: not over-feeding your dog (which is probably more likely if you are feeding more than once a day).

Maryland Alligators Join Maryland Zebras
An American alligator was caught and killed by a hunter in Calvert County, Md. in June, and an 8-footer has been seen near Hollywood on the Patuxent River.  Maryland also has a few free-range zebras that appear to still be loose.

A Greenhouse Gas Breakthrough?
Scientists at Australia's Monash University claim to have made a critical breakthrough in green ammonia production that could displace the extremely dirty Haber-Bosch process, with the potential to eliminate nearly two percent of global greenhouse emissions.  Ammonia production (mostly for fertilizer) is currently responsible for nitrate pollution of ground water as well as vast amounts of nitrous oxide emissions, and it also consumes between three to five percent of global natural gas production.

Witness the Sickness
Family of man dissected at for-profit pay-for-view autopsy event at hotel says they didn’t give consent and the body was to go to medical research and science.

Roland the Farter
Roland the Farter was a medieval flatulist (professional farter) who lived in twelfth-century England and whose act was impressive enough that he was given Hemingstone manor in Suffolk, and 30 acres of land in return for his services as a jester for King Henry II.  A seasonal note: Wikipedia (like you local National Public Radio station) is the gift that keeps giving.  As a thank you, why not send each $10 as thanks.

What "Build Back Better" Means for You
The Biden Build Back Better Act is on the cusp of being passed.  It would cap out-of-pocket insulin costs at $35 per month for Americans with diabetes. It also allows Medicare to negotiate Rx drug prices and caps annual out-of-pocket drug costs for seniors at $2,000.

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