Monday, November 08, 2021

Rewilding Britain

What I’ve learned on Twitter:

▪️In Britain, not mowing or grazing 10 square yards is called “re-wilding”.

▪️In Britain, a thin forest with a bit of moss is a “rainforest”.

▪️In Britain, not dumping raw sewage in streams, rivers, and oceans is a cutting-edge idea.


Not mocking; it’s always important to meet people where they are.  

But yes, there’s a long way to go.


Edze said...

Yeah, I agree. The other option is way cooler, stealing a pristine continent of it's indigenous people that took good care for it for millennia; so much more nature to screw up...

PBurns said...

I get your point, but it was not a pristine continent. The natives who immigrated from Siberia wiped out most of the megafauna in pretty short order, routinely burned huge tracts of land to farm bison and deer, and engaged in ceaseless warfare with each other, tribe against tribe. Basically, anyone outside of the Olduvai Gorge is an immigrant and a locust on the land. The romantic Rousseau image of indigenous people living lightly on the land is myth; they did as much damage as they could with the tools they had, and bred like rats and died like flies from disease -- same as the folks in Europe.