Sunday, October 24, 2021

What If We Controlled Guns Like Movie Sets Do?

Imagine if American gun control was as good in American streets, malls, and homes as it is on a Hollywood sets.

How many millions of rounds a year does Hollywood fire off without incident?  

How many explosions, car wrecks, fires, falls, and high-speed chases occur on our TV sets every day without serious injuries to cast or crew?

Hollywood understands guns are INHERENTLY dangerous.  

Yes, accidents can still happen due to criminal incompetence and mismanagement, but only if MULTIPLE redundant safety systems, checks, and protocols are ignored by multiple people.

Do we have multiple redundant safety systems, checks, and protocols in the world of American street guns?  

We do not.  

No gun training or licensing at all is required in many states, ammunition is sold everywhere without  license and in unlimited amounts, gun safety locks are not required, the mechanics of guns are not taught, and guns are routinely stored in homes with children, alcoholics, drug addicts, emotional midgets, and mental incompetents passing through on a daily basis.

The wonder then is not the enormous numbers of gum deaths in this country, but how we manage to have so few with over 390 millions guns in circulation. 

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