Monday, October 25, 2021

Coffee and Provocation

Will Drones Replace Search and Rescue Dogs?
Maybe in some situations, but this already sounds like a classic oversell of new tech.  Drones cannot smell, do not operate well in forests and inside buildings, and are not going to do well in rain, fog and wind.  Plus, 30 minutes to an hour of flying time may not be near enough. 

Massive African Owl Rediscovered
Shelley's Eagle Owl -- a giant African owl last positively identified in the wild over 150 years ago, was recently spotted and photographed in Ghana by Dr. Joseph Tobias.

How Old and How Slow?
Long-lived bacteria that reproduce only once every 10,000 years have been found in rocks 1.5 miles below the ocean floor in sediment over 100 million years old.

We Are Still Eating the Ancients
Atlantic Ocean quahogs, found along the East Coast of the US, are among the longest-lived marine organisms in the world, and can can live for at least 200 years.  And yes, we still harvest and eat them.

The Way Forward Is to Pay Folks to Do Nothing
For the first time ever, the British government will also pay landowners to stop grazing and mowing fields in order to allow forests to naturally reestablish themselves.  Simply allowing forests to natyrally re-establish themselves is the most cost-effective forest "planting" method, but it requires removing sheep, cattle and goats, and perhaps reducing deer populations if they are too high. The minimum total size of woodland included in a EWCO application is 1 hectare.

A Secret White Board 
In home and office (and those are increasingly the same thing), this is an idea with utility. The Secret Whiteboard conceals a whiteboard behind a picture frame, so it looks like any other piece of art on your wall when not in use. Strong magnets keep it closed securely, and it’s deep enough to hold pens inside. Available in three sizes. Fully funded Kickstarter. Would do well in a lot of kitchens too.

Hollywood Warmongering at Its Finest
The 1942 movie Mrs. Miniver contains a powerful war mongering speech that worked so well that when when FDR heard it at a private screening at the White House, he had it translated into French, German, and Italian, broadcast throughout Europe on the Voice of America, and air-dropped in millions of leaflets into German-occupied territories.

Sports Cars Made from Tractor Parts 
Ferruccio Lamborghini was a tractor maker who bought a Ferrari sports car, burned out the clutch numerous times and, on rebuilding, discovered the 1,000 lire clutch in the sports car was the same one he was paying 10 lire for to put into his tractors. The war between Enzo Ferrari and Ferruccio Lamborghini that followed changed the car industry forever.

"Moron in a Hurry" Is a Legal Term of Art
It's a common legal test for trademark or copyright infringement.

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