Sunday, March 21, 2021

Home Castration Kits

The low-budget option, above, is little more than razor blades and a handle for the same.

The slightly more expensive options, below, are tools for putting castrating rubber bands on lambs, calves, goats. The tight rubber bands cut off circulation to the scrotum, and the whole package withers and falls off, often to be scavenged by fox. A packet of 100 castrating bands is $3.30 at Tractor Supply


Edze said...

This is illegal here in Iceland. Castraction is a medical procedure that only vets are allowed to do. The reasoning is not that it is too complicated for layman (it's not), but you are obliged to use anesthetics.

Sean said...

I have read that the health benefits to castrating a dog, especially male dogs, is often overstated. Thoughts?

PBurns said...

Yes, probably overstated.