Thursday, February 18, 2021

How to Cary Grant

I'll carry a torch, carry a gun, carry a tune, carry on, carry over, carry forward, cash-and-carry, carry me back to Old Virginia, and even 'hari-kari' if you show me how, but I will never, ever, be Cary Grant.


Just me said...

Ummm, Terrierman, you're either channeling someone . . . or . . .

I know those first words!!!! M*A*S*H* (Hawkeye Pierce to Col. Potter) except for the last three words which were "carry a gun." ;) Fess up.

LOVE the photos!!!! :)

How to Cary Grant

Posted: 18 Feb 2021 12:00 AM PS

I'll carry a torch, carry a gun, carry a tune, carry on, carry over, carry forward, cash-and-carry, carry me back to Old Virginia, and even 'hari-kari' if you show me how, but I will never, ever, be Cary Grant.

PBurns said...


I remember the line, but not the episode or even the year. Had to be over 40 years ago?