Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Ready to Wear a Mask Now?

This is what being on a ventilator looks like after you get a bad case of Covid-19.

It’s NOT an oxygen mask over the mouth while the patient comfortably reads magazines.

Ventilation requires anesthesia and painful intubation down your throat. The tube stays there until you live or you die, which may be weeks. During the intubation you generally lie face down, and are drugged into a coma. Trauma to vocal chords and heart and lung complications are common. You are fed through another tube into your stomach, you urinate out another tube into a bag, you defecate into a bag taped to your ass.

You will be alone with the rhythm of a lung machine — no friends, no spouse, no children.

This could be your mother, your father, your husband or wife, your child, your neighbor, your best friend.

It’s all a joke, right?

Ready to wear a mask now?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

When I see that 490,000 people have recovered in the US, I wonder how many carry lasting damage from having been infected.