Saturday, December 07, 2019

A Very Expensive Boy's Club

Antlers represent an enormous food and energy expense.

It would be one thing if they were grown just once, like a leg bone, but instead they are grown and shed and grown again. 

Every year it's just more expense, and always-bigger antlers. 



Jennifer said...

$70 million a year to NZ economy

eldri said...

well,until they become 'old boys' with worn down teeth, and 'can't afford' a large rack. - - - then, the antlers get smaller, back down till they are fork-horn again.
(for all I know, they might get down to spike, but I haven't seen that; and I do have the skull of an Old buck, with badly worn teeth, and just two points, on each side)
...these are California Blacktail..

tuffy said...

well, Nature figured out a way to make sure the strong and fittest survive, and i trust Her....