Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Rules for Fools

The rules for this blog are here. Read them

The short story is I did not wake up this morning to meet you. This is a clown-free space.

  • If you have butt hurt because of something I have written, please move along or get out and never come back.

  • I am opposed to Nazis, racists, and fascists. If you’re not, move along.

  • I put dogs first; not breed clubs, not registries, not profit, and not ego. If you don’t, move along.
  • I’m opposed to rapists and pedophiles, and if you’re not, move along.

  • I support the Constitution and oppose voter suppression and communist interference in our elections. If you don’t, move along.

  • I support science-based sustainable wildlife management. If you don’t, move along.

  • I am opposed to kidnapping children from their parents and locking them in cages without blankets and clean water. If you’re not, move along.

  • I’m opposed to poisoning the environment and our children. If you’re not, move along.

  • I believe in a social contract that includes rights and responsibilities. If you don’t, move along.

  • If you think any part of what I said seems to be an insult to some politician, breed, or religion you value, check your values, get out, and move along.

  • This page is based on attraction, not promotion. You didn’t pay for it. If you’re unclear on what I just said, move along.

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