Nothing is so evident of youth and inexperience as when someone claims they have “discovered” something older than dirt and perhaps less than perfect.
One example in the world of dogs is the food rewards crowd.
Food rewards dogs training is older than writing, and we have clear published instructions older than the Bible.
Great stuff, but perhaps not all there is to know?
Karen Pryor, the great maven of food and clickers kept her own border terrier in the yard with an Invisible Fence system, and could not walk her dog off-lead in forest or field.
Another example is the “raw” food folks who have just discovered that dogs will also eat frozen chicken, raw beef, cooked rice, and even vegetables.
Great stuff, but perhaps not all there is to know?
Is it a grand conspiracy that the American College of Veterinary Nutritionists (ACVN), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Veterinary Medicine, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) have all published cautions about feeding raw food to dogs? A grand conspiracy is it?
And kibble was invented because no one knew that you could feed a dog raw meat and vegetables?
It’s been said that the first thing to go extinct is memory.
Anything who thinks otherwise should talk to an anti-vaxxer or anyone old enough to remember when restaurants did not have heath inspectors.
If someone tells you aromatherapy can cure cancer, that water has memory, and that fire has no place in the kitchen, ask if these are ancient beliefs that were somehow found wanting.
If these same folks tell you prey drive can be stopped with cheese, ask them to bring an-off lead terrier to the edge of a highway, and you will supply the squirrel.
1 comment:
On the raw food 'conspiracy'...
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