Friday, April 12, 2019

Kamala Harris Is a Gun Owner

Kamala Harris a gun owner
, as she should be.

A black woman who has been a former prosecutor should not only have a gun, it should be loaded, and she should know how to hit center mass even when scared and hurried.


Because the racist, Nazis, rapists, women-bashers, homophobes, and Islamaphobes, and civil rights-denying nativists are not coming for me.

The liberal case for gun ownership has never been stronger. and neither has the case for tougher gun laws covering time, place, manner, insurance, safety inspection, and background checks.  Go to the links.  If you don't understand what is being said, please do not breed or own a gun.


Edze said...

What a horrible society the US has developed. You like to draw comparisations to Europe when you talk about preserving nature, wildlife etc. On this subject, long time ago that normal citzens in Europe felt the need to arm themseves before going out. There is something fundamentally wrong in a society where people have literally a mortal fear for each other. I don't envy you.

PBurns said...

Actually, I fear no one, and I know no one who does.

But yes, we are Americans.

We did not get rounded up to be gassed like chickens when Hitler decided that was a good way to go.

We did not have to be bailed out in two World Wars when men with guns showed up because we had not prepared for the possibility of invasion and oppression.

We are not the Palestinians throwing rocks because the Iraelis won't let us have guns.

And yes, we count the gun violence here; all of it.

We have more suicides than murders, and more traffic deaths than gun deaths.

But you know what?

No matter how we count it, our domestic gun deaths never add up to the deaths from oppression in the killing fields of France or Poland or the West Bank.

Europe never counts those deaths, because they do not understand that those deaths were a direct outcome of having a population ripe for dictatorship because they did not have ammunition and guns at home.

Switzerland gets it. No one invades Switzerland because every citizen has a semi-automatic and a box of bullets that fit.

You think simple men with regular deer rifles cannot assure their own freedom in a world of tanks and bombers?

The Vietnamese and Afghans would tell you they are wrong.

Edze said...

I am not too impressed by your arguments.
I'd love to sit on your porch with a beer, and have a nice discussion about it. Nothing more interesting and educational than arguing with someone intelligent who disagrees with you. Also lovely garden, and I'd like to meet your dogs.

And just as an aside, I am ot some far left vegan, I know how to handle guns (served long time ago). Even contemplated getting a permit, practical to own a gun as a farmer.