Sunday, January 27, 2019

Coffee and Provocation

Alligator as Emotional Support Animal?
This circus has just about run its course. For one thing, just about no one needs an emotional support animal; they need therapy and medication. If you need an ESA you are mentally ill and are self-treating in a way that is not going to make you better.  Want to argue the point?  Go away; I am not your emotional support animal.

You Gave Them DNA So They Can Deny You Insurance?
If you're paying companies like "23andMe" to look at your DNA, it may cost you a heck of a lot in the long term.

DNA Nationality Tests Are Mostly Scam
Most of the "results" from these DNA nationality tests are complete nonsense.  Look at the conflicting answers that came when  two identical twins who sent their DNA samples to five for-profit labs.

Kill Social Security for Powerball?
We are constantly being told we will make better use of our money than the government.  Really?  Have you SEEN how people spend their money?  Here's a little fact:  Slot machines make more money in the United States than baseball, movies, and theme parks combined.

Pass It On
Chadwick Boseman says Denzel Washington was partly responsible for his acting education.  It seems Denzel paid part of his tuition through a scholarship program while he took a summer class studying drama at Oxford University.  Nice.  Pass it on.

Lord of the Rings' Time Architecture
In the Lord of the Rings, we go backwards in architectural time. We begin in the Shire with the tea-kettles and cozy fireplaces of rural England in the 1800s. When we leave Hobbiton, we go backwards, first to Bree (1600s English architecture), and then to Rohan (Anglo-Saxon architecture of 400-700 AD), and then to Gondor (classical Greek and Roman architecture), and finally to Mordor's tents and huts of prehistoric, primitive, and primeval times. At the heart of Mordor is a barren lifeless hellscape of volcanic rock; the world still being formed and representing time before life existed. And Mount Doom? It is the pyroclastic place where creation of all things began.

Ancient Architecture Gaffs
A stone circle in northeast Scotland that archaeologists thought was built thousands of years ago has turned out to be just a few decades old. The farmer who made the stone circle was not trying to trick people into thinking it was ancient; in fact, he told no one about it, which is why it didn't appear on any records.

But Who's Counting?
Obama: 8 years in office. Number of indictments: 0.
Trump: 2 years in office. Number of indictments: 90 (as of today).

He Doth Protested Too Much
Famed 'conversion therapist' David Matheson now plans to 'pursue life as a gay man'.

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