West Virginia's population peaked in 1950 with the rise of coal, and it's never recovered. With little farming land, a relatively poorly educated population, and a legislature that is owned and operated by big extractive and predatory-business interests, the state remains the fourth poorest in the nation.

Worth noting that the decline in coal jobs began with the shift to open cut mining 50+ years ago, and has continued with increasing automation above ground. Nothing to do with Greenhouse gas emissions.
"Here’s why Central Appalachia’s coal industry is dying"
Also note that the environment has suffered from these changes ... though there would have been a lot more black lung disease if underground mining had persisted.
Mildly funny story: I used to work for union retirees (all of them), and did a hit job on Newt Gingrich who was killing Medicare and other chicanery. It was just before Christmas, and so the gig was a "Gingrich who Stole Christmas" event with a massive piece of coal in the background referencing the old "coal in the stocking" meme. After the event, I get back to the office and it's the United Mine Workers (Richard Trumpka's office) who had seen it on CNN and wanted to know what union mine I had gotten the coal out of. "It was Paper Mache" I said, "and it was a union artist that made it!" He was too.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why unions are dying.
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