Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Blind Hunters?

From The Pittsburgh Post Gazette of Dec 2, 1953.


jdg said...

There was a gentleman that got shot in the face while turkey hunting here in east tn. It blinded the man. He was back calling and hunting turkeys the next season. His friend would tell him where to aim and literally talked him into position. And I took a man who was handicapped and legally blind but could see shapes and shadows. He killed a big gobbler by me talking him into position. It was not easy by any means. But we got it done on a big tom that graced his table then his wall.

PBurns said...

The still sell hunting license for the blind. This is Alaska: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=huntlicense.prices

In Alaska, I think a lot of time, it's someone else doing the shooting, with the blind person with him to collect the meat.