Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Coffee and Provocation

We Now Have a Real Terminator Robot in the Wild
All hail our robot overlords!  We now have a real-life terminator robot. The robot in question is a Crown of Thorns Starfish-killing, artificially intelligent robot set to patrol the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. It kills starfish by injecting them with a toxic bile salt.

Zoo Keepers Are Hard to Breed in Captivity
From the Evening-Express in the UK comes this headline:  Meerkat-Keeper Guilty of Assaulting Monkey-Keeper Over Love Triangle With Llama-Keeper

Predator Protection?
The idea is that walking stick will create an instant scarecrow. Right.  Keep thinking Butch. That's what you're good at.

The Name? Khan -- James Khan
One in 200 men are direct descendants of Genghis Khan

Not Safe for Europe?
U.K. Parliament will debate banning Donald Trump for Muslim hate speech.

Ma'am Yes Ma'am!
West Point gets the first ever female cadet Chief. Awesome!

Middle Easter Vikings and Scotsmen?
A Viking-era ring dug up in Sweden has been found with the words 'For Allah' inscribed on it. This comes as other genome analysis suggests the original inhabitants of Ireland and Scotland might have hailed from the Middle East. The "Cross of St. George" on the flag of England and Scotland, of course, also has Middle Eastern roots; St. George was born in Syria.

The Death of Polio?
Will 2016 be the year we might finally eradicate polio?  Probably not, but we are getting very, very close.

It's Not the Guns That Will Kill You:  It's the Pies
Here's a pie chart showing every death in Shakespeare's plays.


Dan said...

It is also rumoured that Donald Trump is pulling out of building a golfing resort in Scotland, over fears of the radical Mullah Kintyre.

I'll get my coat; I know my way out.

Lucas Machias said...

Predator Protection?
The idea is that walking stick will create an instant scarecrow. Right. Keep thinking Butch. That's what you're good at.

Hugh Glass could have used it.