Wednesday, July 08, 2015

There's a River They Call the Mississippi

Rivers don't just stop at the border, of course, which means parts of Saskatchewan and Alberta drain into the Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico as well.  Some of the big rivers that drain into the Mississippi include the Missouri (from Brower's Spring, Montana to St. Louis, Missouri), the Ohio (from Allegany Township, Pennsylvania to Cairo, Illinois), and Arkansas (from Leadville, Colorado to Napoleon, Arkansas).

1 comment:

Mary Strachan Scriver said...

Once it was an inland sea, and the plate tectonics (they say) folded the overlying continent like paper being creased to pour a powder into something small, and what actually poured was all the water from the melting glaciers ten thousand years ago. The suggestion is that this inland sea was only few feet deep, shallow enough that you could walk across the continent waist-deep in water, but that might not be accurate. Still, I like the thought. Maybe a rubber raft. . .