Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pearl: A Celebration of My Little Friend

Pearl, a wonderful and much loved little working terrier that was retired to the pampered comfort and luxury of my parents home, came down sick late Sunday night.

Early Monday morning she was diagnosed with a ruptured malignancy on her spleen that had resulted in massive internal bleeding.  The decision was made to put her to sleep -- there was no other option, and she was so weak by this time, that it took only took the first shot.

Pearl came to me at the age of one year from the working kennel of Char Smith, and I will forever be grateful for the time I had with this little dog.

Pearl made it on national TV
(ABC's Nightline) for a short clip, made it to the cover of a book on working terriers (not my book, but another), and was even featured, in retirement, on a neighborhood calendar.

My folks thought Pearl was the most wonderful gift I ever gave them, but in truth my parents were my gift to her. Pearl was love-bombed the minute she came through the door, with warm laps, soft couches, Persian carpets, long walks and daily ball tosses. And was she always glad to see my parents?  Oh yes!  She simply could not get enough.

The picture below is of my mother and Pearl, shortly after my father died earlier this year. Pearl loved my mother even more than she loved me. Together they were well known regulars around DuPont Circle, and it was my hope that they would have 6 or 7 more year together, but it was not to be.

Life is a deck of cards, and
we never know what the next hand will bring us.  In the end, no matter how long we live, we will wish there had been more time. But, in the end, the only question is what did we do with the time that was given to us?

Pearl, at least, can say she did quite a lot for a little dog.  She worked groundhog, raccoon, fox and possum in dirt dens in two states.  She ran on the beach and climbed trees, battled rat snakes and chased cats, caught the ball, and brought it back.  She counted mice, rats, chipmunks and birds as fair game and even caught a few.  She showed a few other dogs how it was done.
Pearl had three loving owners, all of whom made sure she was moving forward in her life, and all of whom mourned her passing on her last day.  
I last saw her on Saturday -- as spry as ever, and as wiggly as a worm.
Pearl was loved, and she loved. In the end she had an unseen medical time bomb inside her that suddenly, and without warning, swept her off her feet and out of our lives.  But did she live when she was alive?  Oh yes!
Goodbye sweet little dog.  You will never be forgotten.


powerfulgazelle said...

I am so sorry for your loss.


Luisa said...

A life well lived, full of love and adventures. RIP, good little Pearl.

Rick said...

Rest in Peace Pearl.

The Midland Agrarian said...

I am so sorry for you.

Henry Chappell said...

Patrick, this is beautiful. My condolences to you and your family.

Richard Gilbert said...

A fine tribute in words and photos. How old was she when you retired her? How old was Pearl when she died?

PBurns said...

Pearl was eight. She was born in Illinois in August or so of 2005 and came to me in late September or early October of 2006. She worked from the moment I got her and was still working in June of 2011 when my parent's ancient Welsh terrier (age 15+) passed on, and I rehomed her with them.
Pearl has lived in the lap of luxury for the last two years -- three very nice periods in her too-short life. No regrets, other than I wish we all had more time with her.

anissa_roy said...

Perfectly said and a moving tribute. My condolences on your loss - but my congratulations on giving your dogs the kind of satisfying, well-loved and well-lived life most people wish *they* could have.

Mark Farrell-Churchill said...

As the previous commenter said: condolences and congratulations. If it's true that only the good die young, that's only because they're still young >whenever< they happen to die.

The photo of Pearl and the crab is going to be my wallpaper today...

Funder said...

So sorry for your loss. Your poor mom :(

I don't know if it's the best or the worst when they go so fast like that. Hugs to all of yall.

Tracy said...

Condolences to you and your Mom for Pearl's passing. The really good ones are never with us long enough.



seeker said...

I read of this on FB but hadn't seen this memorial. They never live long enough nor can they be loved enough. I'm sorry for your loss, but I believe that she will be waiting with your Dad to see you again.
Run swiftly little Pearl. You will meet others at the Rainbow Bridge to help you play.

Debi and the 3 TX Jacks.