Thursday, August 22, 2013

Woke Up, And It Was a Chelsea Manning

Ann Coulter issued the following statement upon learning that U.S. Army Pvt. Bradley Manning would like to live as a woman, under the name of Chelsea:

"As a man who has lived as a woman for many years now, I would like to salute Chelsea Manning's bravery. When I started my act in San Francisco in the 1990s, it was much harder than it is now. It is only now, in the reflected glow of the bright light of Chelsea Manning, that I can comfortably come out and say that I was born George Slate, and took the stage name Ann Coulter, embracing the persona of a right wing hatemonger in order to generate the attention and money I could not earn any other way. I wish I had been as brave as Chelsea Manning."

1 comment:

Adrian Zupp said...

Ha ha. I like it!