Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Unnatural Selection, Unfit for Function

A friend in the U.K. sent me a picture of the dachshund, pictured above.

Since I want to talk about principals, I have cropped the picture to get rid of the dog and kennel name and that of the breeder. Let us allow them to bow their head in quiet shame, and never mind that they have published this picture to brag on this four-legged canine train wreck. 


Look at this dog!   Is this supposed to be a dog from a working breed? 

It's not -- not in a million years.

One short walk through an American or British hedgerow, and we would need a lot of money and a very good story to explain to the veterinarian how we could allow such a severe penis injury to occur!

Of course, Mother Nature always bats last, so maybe this dog is simply proof that my Darwin shirt, pictured below, is spot on?



boct said...

It's a pretty good fucked up dog, as far as fucked up dogs go. If you gonna breed for fucked up then you better fuck it up good and here is a good fucked up example..if fact those legs are so fucked up they should really just breed them out as they are pretty well useless appendages as they are..hmm,on second thought, without legs the already fucked up dog would topple over so I believe the legs have rudimentary purpose. But still a, really fucked up good, dog.

Peter Apps said...

We looked after one of these extreme dwarfs for a few weeks while its owner was away. It broke my heart watching a dog's spirit locked into such a crippled body - but the strange thing was that the dog didn't seem to have a clue that it was a hopeless mutant. Maybe there is a lesson there somewhere.

Gina said...

What the hell is going on with that poor thing's rear legs?

Viatecio said...

By all rights, that thing should be walking on its stifles. The amount of pressure on the tarsus is probably insane.

(Oh wait, there's probably a surgery to fix THAT too, right?)