Red fox taxidermy mannequins. Reposted from 2013.
At the side of every show ring, there is always some well-dressed individual talking about "the standard" and how "form follows function."
It all sounds good, of course -- wonderful rhetorical chestnuts -- but it's pretty much nonsense.
I mean think about it.
A working dachshund is a great little animal in the field and does the same work as a terrier, but it does not LOOK like a terrier, does it? It does not have the same form!
By the same token, a Patterdale Terrier does not look too much like a Jack Russell, which does not look too much like a Border Terrier. Smooth coats and rough do equally well in the field, as do coats of black or white, red or brown, or any combination in between. A folded ear is the same as a prick ear, a black nose the same as a liver-colored nose. Every working earthdog breed has a different head shape, and many have different tails as well. A perfect scissors bite is not necessary for work.
So when people say "form follows function," what the hell are they talking about?
Let us hope they are not talking about movement. Movement is one of those words show people toss around with a wink and a nod as if they have the secret knowledge of a wine connoisseur.
It is pure bunk.
"Movement" may be important to a greyhound, a pulling dog, or even a border collie, but it is not much of a concern as it relates to a pet dog, or even working terrier. So long as a dog can walk well, and has decent muscle mass, a working terrier does not not stylized movement. Hocks in or out hardly matters a whit.
Which is not to say that movement is irrelevant to terrier work. In fact, it is critical.
But the important movement is .... wait for it .... an owner that will move off the couch, and move out of the car, and move into a hedgerow, and move a lot of dirt while digging down to a dog that is in full voice with rising adrenaline.
That's the only important part of movement that matters.
After you have done that a few dozen times, you will know a little more about movement, and terriers in particular.
We hear a great deal of nodding nonsense from folks who talk a good game about "protecting" their breed.
But protect it from what? And by what right or qualification do these people think they are particularly well chosen to protect the bred? And what do they intend to protect it with?
In almost every case they are not people who dig, and they seek to "protect" the terrier with nothing but a scrap of paper proclaiming their show dog is "up to the standard."
And who do these people hope to protect the breed from?
Why, show ring breeders, of course!
It is all laughable nonsense. And it becomes nonsense on stilts when people begin to talk about "the standard" as if it were a sacred text delivered to Moses on the Mount.
In fact, is there anything standard about "the standard?"
I defy you to find a single canine standard that is more than 20 years old that has not been changed at least once.
And then there is the little matter that the standard is not the same from one country to another, or one registry to another.
So what is so "standard" about the standard?
Ironically, what is NOT part of any standard in the UK or the US, is a requirement that the dog actually be a proven worker in the field. That, apparently is not "the standard." That function is not required for the rosette. A black nose, is a "Yes," but working a dozen fox, raccoon, badger, or groundhog in the field, is a "No."
The one issue of any importance in "the standard" as it relates to "form follows function," is chest size. Yet on this point, "the standard" is awfully vague, isn't it?
We are told a chest span is a man's hands. Yes, but whose hands?
We do not measure a house in cubits, so why are we measuring dogs in "hand spans"? Who but the puppy peddler profits by keeping chest measurements this vague?
The Germans are not so coy and facile about chest size. A standard working dachshund (a "Teckel" in German) has a chest of just under 14 inches. The measurement is precise -- 35 cm -- and it reflects the chest size of the average red fox. The Germans are not ones to shave dice when it comes to working dogs!
It is interesting that the same 14" chest size is named not only by fox biologists, but also by such terriermen as Barry Jones, Ken James, and Eddie Chapman. In fact, if any one thing separates the digger from the rosette chaser, it's clarity on chest size.
The rosette chaser is always a bit vague about what a "span" actually means. A digger knows it means his fingers better well overlap, and if he is working fox in a natural fox-dug earth, it is best if his fingers overlap by more than one joint!
And so we come back to the real meaning of "form follows function" as used by academics in the dog world.
For these folks the "form" being refered to seems to be a paper form showing the pedigree of the animal being displayed. And "the function" is either the rosette from a show judge, or the cash to be gotten from a prospective dog-buyer.
Form follows function, indeed!
Would be wonderful to see a college basketball team or olympic team selected this way. I would love for the one of the bench show organizations to draw up a standard for football player, or gymnast. Would Maradona have conformed to the soccer player standard?
We did have some of this for a while...until Jackie Robinson showed up.
What's that, you want the owners to move around and dig holes ?! Why not do like the show owners and hire someone to do the digging for you ? Then in the photo caption you just add "expertly handled by ....."
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