Thursday, February 14, 2013


I am still laughing at the person I have never met, who does not even use his real name, who wrote this morning letting me know he thinks I should adjust what I write so that I do not bruise his feelings about being a member of the NRA, or a member of some cult that believes in an invisible man in the sky.


Maybe it's time to review my relationship to the readership.  Have I been too subtle?


Jenn said...

I don't always share your opinion, but I respect it.

And I don't think a week goes by that I don't learn yet another thing I didn't know, just by reading your site. Thanks!

Mary O. Paddock said...

I do believe in the "invisible man in the sky" (though I suspect his location is closer than that, but anyway . . . ). However I would never, ever go to someone else's house and tell them how to behave or what to say. I come here because you write about dogs and offer up largely common sense insights concerning breeding and handling. Because sometimes you're funny. When I'm a little amazed at anyone that thinks they have a claim to the content of someone else's blog.

PBurns said...

You get it Mary P. The world is a big place and if you find what you like, stay, otherwise there's a door and a world to search. Same with religion. We call what the Greeks believed myth, and what the jungle Africans believe animism, and what the Scietolgists believe science fiction turned into scam. I wink at all of them and aver that I believe in only one less God than most. I have known bad men with religion and good men with religion, but the only good people I know who have routinely done bad were people who did it in the name of god and dogma. Too many stand silent at that, not wishing to offend. Not me, and I would suggest not anyone who has a proper relationship with the god of church, synagogue, mosque, ashram or Forest.