Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Remember the Crazy Dog-cloning Lady?

Do you remember the story about the crazy dog-cloning lady?


Then before you go to the video below, read the back story as detailed in an earlier post entitled "Freak on a Leash." 

Now, guess what?

It seems there's a movie coming out about the whole kidnapping sex-slave thing, and the crazy dog-cloning lady is going to be on film in all her demented glory.

See the movie trailer, below.



HurricaneDeck said...

"Like putting a marshmallow in a parking meter..."

You hear something new every day! ROFL

This will be an awesome movie! Thanks for the heads up!

fleur de leesa said...

If it was a woman who had been kidnapped, would the story been made into a light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek documentary? I feel sorry for the poor man who has no doubt endured a lifetime of jokes about his awful experience with this lunatic.

PBurns said...

Good point Fleur de Leesa!

If a man did this to a woman, we would call it rape, we would assume the person who thought this way was either a true Neanderthal unfrozen from cavman time or was a Pakistani, and the man would still be in jail just now eligible for parole.