Monday, June 06, 2011

A Few Pictures of Homestead

The front porch at the Homestead is a nice place to have coffee.

The wife and I went down to Homestead in Hot Springs, Virginia to see how the other half live and to meet up with our son who drove over from Blackburg for the day.

Homestead is one of those massive old resorts that cater to the well-off golfer, shooter, canoeist, horseman, fly-fisherman, skiier, and tennis player.

The place was originally built as a lodge in 1776, and expanded over the years (mostly under J.P. Morgan in 1888-1892) to the massive palace it is today.

The resort is surrounded by the George Washington National Forest which, in turn, flows into the Monongahela National Forest, the Jefferson National Forest and the Shenandoah National Forest. Virginia has thousands of square miles of unbroken forest down here -- a real American treasure.

The resort has more than 480 rooms and suites.

Like everything in Virginia, the Homestead is steeped in history; it seems almost every President has stopped here at one time or another, often to pitch the leaders of American business. The surrounding area, of course, is as poor as a church mouse -- a classic juxtaposition of rich and poor.

We had the naturally heated mineral minteral hot springs indoor pool all to ourselves.

1 comment:

Seahorse said...

I have serious pool envy...
