Sunday, October 03, 2010

A Corrupted Old Time Religion Needs Reform

From CNN comes this bit of Sunday religious news:

Britain recognized Druidry, an ancient belief system that believes nature is its supreme being, as a religion for the first time and gave it charitable status on Saturday.

"There is a sufficient belief in a supreme being or entity to constitute a religion for the purposes of charity law," declared the Charity Commission for England and Wales in response to the Druid Network's application.

The decision will give the neo-pagan religion, known for its cloaked worshippers at Stonehenge (above, in 1999) and other sites, tax advantages and is expected to lead to broader acceptance.

Tax advantages?!


We are Druids, for God's sake; there is no need for any of THAT nonsense!

But no matter.

"Old Europe" has farked it up again, as they have so many times before.

Once again America must lead the way, and this time we have the Reformed Druids of North America to do it.

Of course, in this house we call in The First Church of Field and Stream, and the sacrament is always done with the dogs.

In fact, I must be going to church now... the Magical Carhartts await, the Divination Box is prepped, and the Steel Staff is loaded.

Let us prey.


Viatecio said...

What?! I want a tax break for not believing in the oppression and mind-control of Christianity!

Along another note, I'm glad that Washington has finally granted the pentagram on headstones in Arlington Cemetery for those who want them. I certainly wouldn't want to be falsely represented by something that someone else thinks is a good symbol of who I was.

Seahorse said...

Philip Roth is my new hero. I caught his interview today on "CBS Sunday Morning", in which he said this:

"When the whole world doesn't believe in God, it'll be a great place."
