Friday, October 15, 2010

Cesar's Rules Debuts in #10 Slot in NYT Best Sellers

Cesar's Rules has debuted in the #10 slot in The New York Times hardcover best sellers list.

That makes two New York Times best sellers I have been quoted in this year.

The other is Harry Markopolos' book, No One Would Listen, about the Bernie Madoff scandal, which was #5 in hardcover business bestsellers.  They are making a movie out of that one to be called The Foxhounds!

Speaking of movies, Cesar Millan's co-author, Melissa Jo Peltier and husband John Gray won the big audience award at the Woodstock Film festival for their new indie movie, "White Irish Drinkers."  Read more about the film at The Los Angeles Times or watch the Youtube promo here.


Seahorse said...

Got my copy of Cesar's book yesterday. Just unpacked it and will spend some time learning and watching for Terrierman's part. (G) As for the film, is that Karen Allen I see? Big star from little Lanham, Md? Just watched the trailer (looks like a powerful film), now onto the article. 1975 was a year near and dear to me.


Seahorse said...

BINGO! And, Peter Riegert, my FAV from "Local Hero", the world's most underrated movie! Yeah, yeah, he did that other little flick...what was it called??? Oh, right, "Animal House". (G) Just caught him last Sunday on a replay of "The Sopranos", too. Dag, now I've GOT to see "White Irish Drinkers"!

Congratulations Melissa Jo, it looks like everything's a winner for you!

Seahorse :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks again, Patrick.

And Seahorse, White Irish Drinkers has had audiences on their feet from LA to NY to Toronto to Woodstock (and soon, we hope, in Torino Italy, where we are in the film festival at the end of November). But so far no distributors have stepped up to the plate for a crowd pleaser that is not a star vehicle or a genre movie.

And Karen and Peter are fantastic...and Stephen Lang, riveting.

Melissa Peltier

PBurns said...

The Big Sale occurs at Sundance is my prediction ;)


Seahorse said...

I don't know a thing about film distribution, is it possible to do it yourself? I do know that sometimes self-publishing books can work. Terrierman's book is on my shelf. Also, a guy who lives around the corner from me and used to be our local insurance salesman couldn't get anyone to publish his book, so he self-published. It was a little thing called "The Hunt For Red October". He doesn't sell insurance anymore. (G)

Good luck, Melissa, "White Irish Drinkers" looks fantastic (I'm hoping for a D.C.area run!), and I hope it's a huge hit for you!

Seahorse :)