Monday, September 20, 2010

What's This Flower?

What's this common flower, and what does it have to do with out of body experiences? Found on the edge of a field yesterday.


Andy Bensing said...

I think the plant is Jimsonweed. It grows all over the place around here(PA) but the leaves and flowers here are not as pointy as those in the picture. It is used by those inclined just like marijuana with similar effects. My friend works at a youth rehab and the kids sometimes sneak out into the fields and chew it green!


Jo Mercer said...

_Datura stramonium_ L. or jimsonweed. Toxic components are known as belladonna alkaloids. Ingestion can cause symptoms of delirium, flushing, amnesia, dilated pupils, increased heart rate, constipation, dry mouth and death. In the plant family Solanaceae, which includes, tomato, potato, eggplant, deadly nightshade, tobacco and petunia.

Viatecio said...

Wouldn't happen to be jimsonweed, would it? Just a hunch based off the white flower, although I can't see the shape of it...the leaf shape is also similar to what's in our back yard.

(Apparently one of my neighbors kept it as an ornamental plant and my mom loved the prittee white flowers and had to take a little bit when neighbor moved out. Now that she knows what it is, I'm sure she has nightmares of me trying to go out and get all loopy in the middle of the night, and wants to get rid of it.)

PBurns said...

This stuff is NOT marijuana.

Trust me on this people. I know things.

The best description of what this stuff can do it found here:


Chas S. Clifton said...

People get in trouble with Datura when they eat it. Smoking lets one regulate the dosage. Just a thought.

The smell is distinctive too: "chocolate fungus."