I pass by this sign every time I come back from hunting.
For years the sign only listed the Federal Highway Works Administration, which is farther up the road. But everyone knew. The CIA, after all, is a major employer around here. For the record, the George Bush Center for Intelligence refers to the father, who was once head of the CIA, and not the son... but still an embarrassment.
Ha ha ha ha!
So it takes the whole CIA to find intelligence for him, huh.
(and yes, I know it's for G.H.W.B)
Ugh, the cringe-factor is high on this one. Let's just hope we don't get "treated" to a Jeb Bush candidacy.
It's been a long time since I drove by NSA, but "they" always denied there was such a place. And as you say "but everyone knew"! Funny stuff in America!
Seahorse ;)
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