Yes, THAT Kevin Trudeau.
Kevin Trudeau, and I are not in the same business. He wants to sell you investment advice, natural cures, and weight loss.
I want to sell you "secret" information about dog food.
Read all the way to the end of this post and take advantage of my incredible one-time offer.
You have nothing to lose but money, and money is the root of all Evil .
Let me help you get evil out of your life. Operators are standing by.
I went back and read your post about dog foods. I particularly loved this retort to a comment:
Finally, your notion that vegans and vegetarians know something about nutrition is absolutely precious. Do you also assume that religious prosletyzers have actually studied the world's religions? Do you think Sister Cleo is a psychic? Come on now, I know you cannot be this lazy, hazy or crazy.
Bwahahaha! That was my laugh for the day. Thanks.
Did you ever read STARVATION HEIGHTS?
It took place in 1912 and goes to show that food faddists have always been with us....
I haven't read it, but I am familiar with Will Keith Kellogg and John Harvey Kellog of Battle Creek, Michigan and their Battle Creek Sanitarium. See >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Creek_Sanitarium and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Harvey_Kellogg
The Kellogs (or their company) are responsible for about half the cereal we eat Woooeeee!
The starvation doctor -- Hazard -- seems to have been a straight up lunatic. The Kellogs were "extreme mainstream" in their day. The "Road to Wellville" movie is about the sanitarium.
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