Back home! We had a blast in Nashville despite the cold (9 degrees one morning), staying at the Hermitage Hotel (where Minnesota Fats played pool for 8 years), listening to music in local bars, driving back up through Knoxville to Pineville, KY (my father's hometown), and on to Blacksburg, Virginia in a serious snowstorm and at night.
We loved Lexington, Virginia enough to pick up local real estate information.
On the home front, there is still some snow at the house, and the Potomac River has frozen over, which is a rare event.
I am going through hundreds of emails from all sorts so correspondence may be a day or two delayed.
Lexington isn't a bad place. It's not very far from Lewisburg, which is where Traveller, General Lee's war horse, came from.
I spent seven years either living in or commuting back and forth to Lexington. I'm sure it's changed some, but it was (and probably still is) a great little university town.
It is indeed a nice little town. I could curl up there pretty easily if I could find the right property.
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