Monday, July 06, 2009

I Am a Pet Psychic

I am a pet psychic. Just give me $300 for thirty minutes, and I will tell you all the deep thoughts your pet is having. Cash in advance through PayPal. I work by telephone, and only need a picture of your pet. Crystals and aromatherapy "medicine" sold separately.


-J. said...

It is simply unbelievable how many otherwise intelligent, educated, well-informed dog people I know who buy into this quackery. I try not to be offensive but sometimes I can't help making faces.

Bird Advocate said...

Dear Pet Psychic, I whispered in the ear of my 200 pound Great Dane, he whispered back, confidentially, he'd like to ... Oh no, I can't repeat that here!
Stay tuned for further revelations straight from the Dog Whisperer... or not.