There could be a huge announcement at Crufts that the Kennel Club is preparing to open the studbook and (finally) encourage crossbreeding to widen the gene pools of pedigree dog breeds.
Could it be that there is finally some hope for many inbred breeds and that the ridiculous, snobbish attitude to ‘purity’ is about to be blown away for good?
This move to open the studbook (allow breeds to be outcrossed with other breeds) is something that welfare campaigners have been asking for for many years and one that scientists have stated is what is needed to help get dogs out of the genetic bottleneck that many find themselves in.
Of course, such a move would be a monumental change in pedigree dogdom and would no doubt create some explosive debate within the dog world. But it is unquestionably the right move and would instantly mark Crufts 2009 out as the event that began to set dogs on a fast track to recovery.
Let’s hope that this is one Crufts rumour that actually comes true. But, I must again reiterate, it’s a rumour. Still, we can but wish for it to be confirmed!
Would I second that emotion? You bet!
Can it be that the Kennel Club will put dogs first?
I have always held out hope that Ronnie Irving would "man up" and do what's right by the dogs.
If he does, I will join Ryan in heaping praise, for this will be a real legacy for the ages.
But, of course, failure to act will also be a legacy.
Come on Ronnie! Let this rumor be true!
I hope that this comes to fruition.[crosses fingers]
The stale old arguments against open stud books get weaker and thinner with each repetition. "Genetic purity" should be reserved for hybrid plants (and maybe select groups of laboratory animals). The idea has damaged too many dogs already. It's past time to send it off to a quick death.
There are already a couple of independent breed clubs with step in programs in place. It wouldn't take an enormous effort to adapt these to other clubs / breeds. And, as you note, the benefits would be well worth the effort.
*If true* this would be the biggest, yet simplest, positive move for pedigree dogs in a century. If not true, well I think the Kennel Club should be challenged on why they're 3,000 years out of date with their breeding philosophies. Their closed studbook is like saying 'yes, we know you discovered the wheel but we're still going to hold on and hope the sun god will come through for us in the end'. A great opportunity for change, can even THEY stuff it up?
If this is true, then we have to demand the same of our registries over here.
Of course, if the KC does this, the AKC and FCI might refuse to allow their dogs to be registered in their registry.
That's why we need global reform of breed registries. Open the studbooks!
If this is true, I'm moving overseas and bringing the dogs with me!
It would be nice, wouldn't? I think it may be fanciful, but we shall see .... Hard to imagine that the Kennel Club will actually do what's right for dogs at this point.
Have we heard anything?
No, and I think it may simply be hopeful thinking. Crufts is not where they will announce something like this. I think they just need to get through Crufts, fire Caroline Kisko, and rebuild their communications arm as they retool for health into the next Millennium. Getting rid of Kisko will be how we know real change is afoot. Until she is gone, it's all window-dressing.
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