Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Select for Tits and Lose Brains

Wow, who would imagine that would happen?

Dr Svartberg tested 13,000 dogs on characteristics such as sociability and curiosity to help him rate 31 different breeds

He found that those bred for appearance, and especially for shows, displayed reduced levels of all these qualities. He also found that attractive appearance was often linked with introversion and a boring personality.



Anonymous said...

I can tell you that having had both field-type and show-type goldens. The field-type had better dispositions, were far, far, far easier to train, although a bit obsessive about their retrieving.

And all the show type dog wanted to do was lie down somwhere and stay there until she had to get up and get something to drink or eat.

And her thyroid levels were normal. Her hips were bad, but that doesn't explain the slovenly temperament.

If you have two goldens from these two lines and try to train them in any task, it is like training two very different breeds.

PBurns said...

Check out Retreiverman's recent post on why he likes his working dogs a little neurotic and obsessive at >>

Me too!


Caveat said...

Looking for trouble again, Patrick?

It is possible to have both teats & brains, you know - I've seen it :>)

PBurns said...

Absolutely, Caveat. Select for brains and you can get all kinds, including some folks with impressive physiques (a more-or-less random number). Select for impressive physiques, and you also get all kinds, and you may even get a few with great brains. It's a question of selection, and YES you do generally have to decide which one is more important and how much more important.


Caveat said...

I know, I was just teasing in advance of the politically correct hordes which may descend upon you.

Anonymous said...

I would think the "politically correct" among us have long ago given up on Patrick as an utterly lost cause. :)

PBurns said...

Yes, I am hopeless.


Anonymous said...

Hey - my big American breasts and I resent being ...minimalized... this way!

(LOL! my verification word was "notact" Pat, I think that's a hint)