Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Yes, We Did

Thanks to all of those who donated to this worthy effort, whether through this blog, or the BarkObamablog, or on your own.

In the end, the Obama campaign was a monument to grass-roots organizing by regular folks.

The Obama campaign had over three million donors and yesterday over a million people hit the streets to get folks to the polls. There has never been a campaign like this one.

As important as the infrastructure that was built is the message that mobilized: We are one nation. We are a great nation. And we will remain great by finding our common bonds. We seek a more perfect union, to be E Pluribus Unum, and to promote the common welfare. These words are written in the Constitution and on the money in our pocket.

These are the ideas that built this nation, and they are the ideas that will sustain this great nation into the future.

But words are cheap without action, and that is why this campaign was so important, because so many took action to donate, to canvas, to talk to neighbors and coworkers, and to stand for hours in long lines to vote.

Thank you for keeping your eye on the ball, and for not getting deflected by contrived crisis and disinformation.

We are the change we have been waiting for.


Anonymous said...

WOOHOO!!! Way to call it 2+ years out, Patrick! Thanks for your great blogging here and at Bark Obama.

an American in Copenhagen said...

I wonder what kind of dog they'll get.

Anonymous said...

yes we did!
woo hoo!

PBurns said...

Michelle Obama has said they would get a rescue or shelter dog -- no breed, type or size specified. - P.

PBurns said...

Michelle Obama has said they would get a rescue or shelter dog -- no breed, type or size specified. - P.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to come over to BarkO and post your farewell.

And yes ... you CALLED IT before anyone else did. Amazing.

Pai said...

Wow, he got the most electoral votes of any candidate in history!

PBurns said...

I think the most electoral college votes was Reagan vs Carter in 1980, when Carter got only 49, and Reagan got 489.


Anonymous said...

Yes, we damned well did! 48 unchallenged hours later I'm allowing myself to exhale... a little.
