So, what do we do now?
Do we raise the goal under the theory that everyone's reach should exceed their grasp?
Or do we change the goal and ask folks to do something else -- like send this link to 10 of their friends, or post this little bit of script on their own web site or blog?
Or do we give up and allow the folks who support a war without end and without reason to gain ground?
Do we say it's OK to bankrupt the nation? Do we shrug our shoulders and say it doesn't matter if creationism is taught in our schools, if our public lands are raped, and if we maintain business as usual by embracing a third Bush term?
Is it OK to have a President with a hair-trigger temper, and a Vice-President who had her own Jack Abramoff lobbyist to pry special interest money out of the wallets of the American people?
Is it OK to privatize Social Security even when recent history (tumbling stocks, collapsing real estate markets, robbed 401-Ks) has shown its essential wisdom?
Do we embrace shooting wolves from airplanes and ash-canning science as a decision-making tool?
Are we for opening the borders and embracing a massive illegal alien amnesty? Are we in favor of discrimination against Gays and making all abortion illegal (and thus guaranteeing a return to the back-alley butchery of pre-1973)?
Exactly many houses do you have? No estimates! No guesses. And what's it say when the top of a ticket cannot even answer that question?
This is going to be a close race. Money matters. You matter.
As Al Gore put it, "Be sure to pray, but while you're praying move your feet.
Or your mouse.
Thanks again for all those that have taken action already. For those that haven't, there's still time.
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