Thursday, September 18, 2008

Two Thousand Posts

I just noticed we clicked past 2,000 posts on this blog. And that's a royal "we" as the actual writing and typing and graphics is not done by a team, but by one person writing in the dead of night, after a full day at work, two kids, three dogs, and with a big house and yard always needing some bit of work, and a new book wanting more additions as well.

But, of course, I am no busier that anyone else.

Living is a full time job for everyone. Who knew?



an American in Copenhagen said...

Congratulations! I really appreciate all your hard work. You've opened up my mind to a lot of new ideas and ways of thinking and while I don't blog myself I definitely pass it on to family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Patrick!

Since I'm a founding member/current board member of the local dog park, everyone assumes I know everything about dogs. Your blog is one of my primary "cheat sheets" to keep that assumption going! ;-)

Thanks for all the time you spent educating us all!


Camera Trap Codger said...

Congrats, Patrick, for keeping us up to date on so many issues. You are one PRODUCTIVE dude, and I often wonder how many ideas come to you in transit on the metro or the beltway?

Anonymous said...

A considerable accomplishment, by any measure! And I know I've read and enjoyed almost all of those posts.

Anonymous said...

I've been a "lurker" for many years now and absolutely love this blog! I agree with you on almost all the dog and political issues. Keep up the excellent work, I really appreciate it.

Sue in Denver