Sunday, March 16, 2008

New Foxes in the Yard

I think the five fox pictures, above, are the same animal -- a cross fox (dark gray patch on shoulder) with no white tip in tail.

I think the two picture above are of the same narrow-necked fox. She is very clearly a new arrival to the yard. I say "she" only because of the very light structure. She is probably a very yong fox from last year's litter -- perhaps a satellite vixen.

This is the mange-tailed fox I showed a few days ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are so beautiful and your camera project is impressive!

I'm wondering if the fox with the mangy looking tail has injured it instead. A broken tail can get gangrenous, losing the hair with eventual necrotization of the skin.

The rest of him looks pretty shiny and healthy overall, that's why I'm wondering.