If you have a sharp knife, a slow and steady hand, and a bit of enthusiasm, you can tan your own fox, raccoon, groundhog or possum hide. A "small mammal taning kit" costs just $15 and allows you to mount almost any small mammal skin for a rug or wall hanging.
Be advised, however, that you should only try to tan skins taken in late Fall or Winter, as the fur on hides taken in Spring or Summer will almost always fall out.
The tanning kit involves dry salting, brine pickling, neutralization, tanning, oiling, and then breaking the skin, and along with the chemicals supplied in the kit, you will need Lysol disinfectant, baking soda, and at least 5 lb. of non-iodized salt.
For those looking for a simpler fox skin, they can be had on Ebay for $20 to $60 tanned, stretched and in various conditions and qualities. The hide below is being offered for $20 with 6 more days left of betting. My bet is that it will sell for about $60.
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