Sunday, August 25, 2024

Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps

Old Hippie Soap now sold by the skid at Costco. 

From Wiki: 

“Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps was founded by Emanuel Heilbronner, a Jewish immigrant soap-maker (not a physician) who fled Germany in 1936 and dropped the ‘Heil’ from his name because of its associations with Hitler. His family who stayed behind perished in the Holocaust. After escaping from a mental institution in 1945, he went into business.

“Bronner was a fervent promulgator of his own syncretic spiritual ideology and originally distributed the soap to those who attended lectures on his 'All One' philosophy, but soon became convinced that attendees were seeking soap rather than spiritual enlightenment. After this realization, Bronner began to print key tenets of his teachings on the soap bottles as a way to proselytize. The labels still include lengthy diatribes on the unity of mankind and the need to ‘unite spaceship earth’. In 2006, a documentary film entitled Dr. Bronner's Magic Soapbox was released, and in 2017 the company released a spoken word album of Emanuel Bronner's spiritual teachings.

“For a period of time, Bronner ran the company as a tax-exempt religious organization but was found to be out of compliance with this designation and was levied with $1.3 million in back-taxes in 1985. When this occurred, Jim Bronner, Emanuel's son, began to work for the company and recapitalized it as a for-profit company in 1988.”

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