Sunday, November 05, 2023

Keep Your Dogs Warm

Every year kennels burn down due to heat lamps and kerosene and electric heaters. A well-built, well insulated and well-located dog house will keep your dog comfortable in cold weather without an external heat source.

Keep your dogs warm with 2” thick insulated foam panels cut tight on top, bottom, and sides, tight openings with flap doors, an offset entrance area as shown, a raised lip to keep in bedding, and deep wood shavings for bedding. Do not make the house too big, but make sure it’s big enough for thick foam insulation and deep bedding inside. Raise dog houses to keep them dry (preferably on a 4” thick concrete pad), and shield them from wind. The roof needs to be tight with an overhang. If at all possible, crate dogs inside at night.

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