Tuesday, November 21, 2023

El Loco and His Doggie Advisors

Argentina's new right-wing president, Javier Milei, is a former loud-mouth TV pundit and self-described anarcho-capitalist who wants to take a “chainsaw” to social programs, do away with all gun laws, legalize the sale of body parts and organs, and completely ban abortion.  

On the campaign trail this year, Milei proposed legalizing the sale of human children via a "free market for babies." He also pledged to lower Argentina's age of consent, laid out plans to mandate forced labor in Argentine prisons, and repeatedly attempted to rehabilitate his country's former pro-Nazi dictatorship.

Milei has four clones of his old English Mastiff whom he considers his advisors, and who he communicates with through a mystic.

Milei has never held public office before, and is a former “tantric sex coach”.

He comes to power amid inflation of over 140 percent, and 40 percent of the country living in poverty.

He has, of course, been endorsed and praised by America’s damaged brain, Donald Trump.

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